Title: The Yellow Rose Series: Part 8 My Last Breath
Author: Ruby Phoenix
E-mail: reneburrows@comcast.net
Pairing: Spillow Spike and Willow
Disclaimer: Though I would love to own the characters in this story I don't.
..but the story line is mine.
Summary: Mixed signals can hurt you, and sometimes the hurt is all that can
make you realize how lucky you've been.
Spoilers: I believe only a little bit of Season 4 and some of Season 7 of
Buffy, sorry if I'm off.
Rating: Possibly PG13 for fighting.
Authors Comments: This is my first story ever, so please send me comments
kind or otherwise...if I don't get them then I won't know if I should
continue or stop.  A big thanks to everyone for all the comments last time,
they really meant a lot to me.
This part is mostly Spike, just so everyone knows before they start.
The song for this part is My Last Breath by Evanescence


    Buffy and Spike finished off the demon gang in mere moments, their anger
aiding them, enhancing their fighting abilities by pumping adrenaline into
their blood-streams.  The  second Spike's last opponent fell to the ground,
ghastly deformed, Spike rushed to Willow, dropping to his knees beside her,
and pulling her closer to his body.

    Buffy finished her fight and quickly made her way to Spike and Willow
panting.  Spike looked up at her, his face completely vamped out and he
growled, "Go get help!"  Buffy only needed to look at her friend to know she
was dying, so she took off full speed in search of a pay phone to call for

Hold on to me love
You know I can't stay long
All I wanted to say was I love you and I'm not afraid
Can you hear me
Can you feel me in your arms

    Willow could feel her life slipping away from her.  She had never even
thought something like this would or could have to her, it happened to other
people.  She could hear the battle around her, and then there was silence,
soon followed by Spike.  He was holding her, and all she could think of were
the things he had said earlier, and how much her death would hurt him if
what he had said was true.  She didn't want to hurt him, she didn't want to

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet ruptured light it ends here tonight

    "Just 'old on a bit longer luv, 'elps on the way," he whispered to her,
petting her hair back from her paling face.  He didn't notice them, but
tears were streaming down his sharp cheeks, dripping gently onto her face.

I'll miss the winter
A world of fragile things
Look for me in the white forest
Hiding in a hollow tree
Come find me
I know you hear me
I can taste it in your tears

    The sound of sirens screamed through the night.  Buffy raced back, and
was stunned to silence at the scene she found.  Spike still sat in the
middle of the street holding Willow, piles of ashy dust were around them as
well as wisps of dust blowing through the breeze. The paling redhead was
covered with blood and it was obvious she was starting to have a difficult
time breathing.  Buffy could even see the shimmer of the moon on...tears..
running down Spike's face, 'he really did love her...'

Holding my last breath
Safe inside myself
Are all my thoughts of you
Sweet ruptured light it ends here tonight

    Spike closed his eyes, he was trying to make all this stop, to make
himself wake up and find that it had been one of the terrible dreams...but
he knew it wasn't.  He had just told her the truth, and she hadn't answered.
..and now she never would.  She wasn't ever going to be there again.  She
was going to die.

Closing your eyes to disappear
You pray your dreams will lead you here
But still you wake and know the truth
No one's there

    The ambulance arrived, and the paramedics began taking care of WIllow.
They didn't ask questions, it was Sunnydale...they just put an I.V. into her
arm, and slipped an oxygen mask on her face.  They hooked her up to a heart
monitor, and finally moved her from Spike's arms onto a stretcher.  Lifting
the protable table, they put her into the ambulance.  She tried to call out
for Spike, to reach for him, but she couldn't, she was too weak, and
everything was moving, spinning, there was no light at the end of this
tunnel...she was falling into the darkness.

Say goodnight
Don't be afraid
Calling me
Calling me
As you fade to black...
